Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hospitals Overwhelmed from Covid-19

      Due to the surge of corona virus patients, hospitals are becoming overwhelmed. Hospitals are dealing with low supplies and dangerous conditions. Patients as well as hospitals have to wait several days for test kits to come back and have to take up space while waiting. Hospitals are also having to deal with a low supply of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) which allows doctors to safely treat their patients. Since there is a low supply of PPE, doctors, nurses, and other medical staff are contacting Covid-19, which is making them unable to work and overwhelming the hospitals even more. In addition to the lack of supplies, some places are already experiencing a lack of space to hold of there patients. Hospitals are making makeshift beds and converting unessential rooms into space for patients. The space shortages are getting so bad that Elmhurst hospital in queens even had to buy a refrigerator truck just to hold the bodies of the patients that have died.

1. What do you think hospitals should do to conserve the resources they have?
2. Do you think that hospitals should be doing anything different?
3. Do you think that people with Covid-19 should stay at home to conserve space for people with sever symptoms.



  1. I believe that to preserve the resources they have, the hospital should be really conservative about using these resources. They need to make sure to have enough for severe cases. I think that currently, the hospitals are doing as much as they can. They are helping the ill to the best of their abilities despite the not so ideal circumstances. I believe that those with covid-19 who are not at a high risk of death should stay at home. This makes room for those who are in a life-threatening circumstance.

  2. I believe that one of the biggest problems here does not lie in the hospitals or what they are doing. The major issue is the spread of this virus and the fact that people were not or are not taking it seriously. They think that just because the virus might not affect them greatly that they do not have to change anything about their lifestyle because of it. They ignore warnings and end up spreading the virus further. Additionally, this pandemic will reveal the weak infrastructure of the United States, especially as far as health care goes, and we can only hope that our leaders might take it as a learning experience to provide better healthcare for the people.

  3. It's definitely not a surprise that hospitals are running out of materials, considering the huge number of cases that they've had to deal with during these past few weeks. If they try to conserve their resources, they might be jeopardizing their safety, as they'll be cutting down on the extent of the precautions they take. I honestly don't know what the solution might be, other than finding a very quick, efficient way to make and transport supplies to hospitals.

  4. I don't believe hospitals should be doing anything different, as they are already doing everything they possibly can to help the hospitalized victims of the virus. I think that one of the biggest ways that hospitals can become less overwhelmed is if we just stick to our mitigation efforts, like staying home and social distancing. These efforts will help slow the rate of spreading, leading to less people contracting the virus and ending up in the hospital. Additionally, the less overwhelmed hospitals are, the less likely it is for a patient to die from the virus. This just adds onto the many reasons in why mitigation efforts are so important at this stressful time.

  5. Hospitals are doing all they can to support these patients. However, the resources are just not available. Those who don't have severe symptoms should probably stay home because there is just no room for them. The issue on PPE needs to be addressed immediately because if this doesn't get fixed, the problem will only get drastically bigger. Once that gets fixed, the problem should go down as more patients can be treated at once.

  6. Honestly, there's not much we can do about the lack of resources in hospitals; the current problem only suggests how the world was not prepared for these consequences. In fact, some hospitals are starting to reuse equipment or even using diapers instead of face masks. The best we can do is to continue doing our part in preventing the spread by staying home and hence decrease the number of patients. Hospitals are already starting to restrict any visitation, a harsh yet necessary action needed to prevent the spread. They should be making sure equipment is sterilized/safe and further isolating patients positive for it from others.

  7. I do not think there is much that can be done about the low amounts of resources in the hospitals because it's not like hospitals are inefficiently using their sources of misusing them; they need these resources. In addition, due to the virus' contagiousness, doctors and nurses need to go through more resources quicker, such as face masks and protective gear. The government needs to start funding these hospitals much more because if the issue of lack of resources is not addressed soon, more doctors are going to become sick, and hospitals will become even more overwhelmed. Due to the current state of our hospitals, it's incredibly important that you do not go to the hospital for mild things, and avoid putting yourself in the situation of needing to go to the hospital. Not only does going to the hospital present a risk to you for contracting the virus, but doctors also should be putting all their focus and energy towards virus patients to end the pandemic quicker so we can all go back to our normal lives again.

  8. The hospitals are taking whatever actions they can to help treat patients so there isn't much that can be done to conserve the resources that they have. But I think that the doctors should also prioritize themselves more. Even if they help treat someone, because of low PPE they can easily catch the virus and there would be no point in saving someone from corona while receiving the virus. Yes, even though it is not safe it is best to stay home if the case isn't too bad. The virus when mild is like the flu, it is something bearable and can go away with proper treatment at home.

  9. I think that right now, in a time of disaster, there is nothing else these hospitals can do. They are using everything they have and are trying to do more than they really can. Although after this is done, the hospitals can remodel and make adjustments so that they will be more prepared incase anything like this ever happens again.

  10. i believe that right now there isn't really much they can due since this is a current global disaster that is escalating. they could try to limit their resources used by only using them if necessary but the problem is more likely going yo stay a problem.

  11. I think that hospitals should send home those with less severe symptoms. In a time of crisis such as this, hospitals should focus on saving the most possible lives, instead of treating pain. When hospitals get overwhelmed, it is up to them to set patient prioritization, and up to the rest of us to help them keep from being overwhelmed.

  12. I think the hospitals are doing the best they can right now to address the spread of COVID-19. There's not much else they can do right now especially when resources like ventilators, which are needed, are limited.

  13. Hospitals are currently reaching capacity due to the COVID-19 crisis and are trying their best the maintain their condition and situation. They need to conserve on resources due to the high demand and low distribution numbers of resources. People who test positive for COVID-19 should stay at home and isolate unless their condition gets out of hand then they need to go to the hospital. If people stay home and quarantine in the first place, it will reduce the spread and relieve pressure off hospitals.

  14. I think the hospitals have been put in a tough situation especially when we depend so much on China for masks and such. Hospitals that haven't encounter a wave of COVID-19 patients should prepare for it becasue it's likely that they will. The US should attempt to manufacture more ventilators so we don't encounter problems similar to Italy's situation.

  15. i believe that right now there isn't really much they can due since this is a current global disaster that is escalating. they could try to limit their resources used by only using them if necessary but the problem is more likely going yo stay a problem.

  16. I do believe people with COVID-19 should stay at home and avoid going to the hospital unless absolutely necessary. For most people, the coronavirus won't be too severe, and likely just feel like a nasty cold. However, for the elderly and immunocompromised, the virus is quite deadly, and hospital beds should be reserved for them. Unless people are having trouble breathing, are having really high fevers, or aren't getting better, I think they probably don't need to go to the hospital.

  17. To preserve resources and room in hospitals, people who are infected but aren't having life threatening symptoms should stay home. Hospitals need to prepare for all the people they will need to see.

  18. I think that the hospitals are doing everything in their power to help those with the virus, and with the little materials they have its hard to actually help those patients at all times. The hospitals are helping those with the virus however, with their limited resources. I believe that the government should supply more help and resources to those facilities which are attending to those with the virus. I don't think hospitals should be doing anything differently because they are doing the best they can as this virus' cure is still unknown. I do think that people who have contracted the virus but still have less severe symptoms should stay at home and avoid contact with anyone to help slow the spread of the virus down. They also could probably do a lot more at their own homes for themselves then the doctors could help them, as they are very overwhelmed at the moment.

  19. I believe that the hospitals are doing all they can to help the patients in need. I think the hospitals are struggling as well to help people at all times and have supplies at the same time. I believe the hospitals should be given more supplies and people should stay home to prevent the spread of the virus.

  20. I think that hospitals should communicate with each other knowing that what is happening right now is serious, therefore they need to work together to save all the resources the need since more and more people will be coming in with the virus. Especially since the US is the top country with the most amount of cases.

  21. I think that hospitals should send home their younger patients, as they have a better immune system to fight off the virus. They should just try and take care of the more weaker people to save resources and space. This virus isn't known to kill mid-aged people and teenagers, so focusing on infants or elders could be beneficial to hospitals and the community.

  22. I think that hospitals should only keep their severe and older aged patients for their best, but all others should be sent home to quarantine themselves. Also, doctors should have a certain system set up so the hospital will not be as chaotic and nurses would properly be able to work.

  23. It is unfortunate that hospitals are being overwhelmed, but the really unfortunate thing is that the test kits take so long. Because of this, people who are possible not infected are exposed to people who are, increasing the chance they will get the virus. It also shows how we were not as prepared as we thought we were, though we are doing pretty well in California.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I believe that the government should be trying to place as many orders of PPE and mask for the workers. The hospital is trying to make it so it's safe for everyone but by reusing mask and PPE does not make it safe for the workers and the patients. And theres not much that they can do with what they have. I think that the people with less sever symptoms should stay home unless it gets to a point where they feel that they need to be admitted.

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