Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Cyber Crime in Pandemic Time

Binary,one,cyber,crime,cybernetics - free image from needpix.comAs more of the world's business moves online cybercriminals have more opportunities than ever. Cybercriminals have been targeting VPNs, virtual private networks that people use in hopes of protecting themselves from these threats. Additionally they target the IoT which is a system of computers that communicate data without human to human or human to computer interaction. A leading Managed Security Service Provider, Nurspire released its quarterly Landscape Report which details cybercrime activities, techniques, and procedures. Phishing is a method that cybercriminals use to obtain information by sending emails impersonating companies and organizations in hopes of getting the recipient to click a link that while then extract information from their system. This form of cybercrime has more than doubled in the first quarter of 2020. Additionally Nuspire has reported a resurgence in the use of macro malware which are lines of code that are run when opening a Microsoft word document that then invade your system extracting information and potentially running ransomware. Furthermore, emotet malware use has surged peaking in the first week of March. Emotet malware is a costly trojan that can infect entire systems and can affect any computer linked to the system. This virus is virtual machine-aware which can develop false indicators making it much harder to remove from systems. This viruses can be spread from phishing emails, macro malware and pretty much any link that has a download attached. In this time of increased internet usage it is important to stay safe on the internet and be careful of suspicious links.

1. What methods can you use to prevent yourself from being hacked?

2.What can our government do to protect us from cyber-attacks?



  1. Some methods to avoid being hacked are only downloading things from creditable or trusted sites, making sure that the companies that you give your information to won't sell it or misuse it, and having a strong password. Our government can protect us from cyber-attacks by creating cyber response teams, which work to analyze attacks and fight them accordingly.

  2. You can download virus scanners from trusted sitesand erase viruses fromt here. You could also try to find a firewall for your computer. Ultimately, avoiding cyber attacks would require you to not visit any shady sites, and check the credentials of the author of the website that you entered.

  3. Stay safe by keeping your personal information to yourself and thinking twice before posting online. The government should protect citizens from cyber-crime by doing a better job tracking down and prosecuting hackers from both inside the United States and internationally.

  4. One can protect themselves from these attacks by downloading trustworthy virus protectors. One should also never download anything from a non credible site. One can help themselves from not being hacked by having a strong and different password for all of their important information that is held on the internet. Do not visit any sites that are not trustworthy.

  5. One thing anyone can do to prevent getting hacked is to understand what phishing is, and what popular phishing tactics are. There are more people than we think who still fall for fake emails, texts, and calls. Other methods to use to prevent getting hacked are to have strong passwords for accounts, avoid giving information to websites that are not secure, and to avoid clicking on sketchy links.

  6. One way that people can do to protect themselves online is to make sure to have secure passwords, and have two step verification, if the website allows it.In addition people shouldn't download resources from untrustworthy sites, and instead download a virus protector app to prevent any hackers.

  7. One way to protect yourself from this increase in phishing attacks is to ask yourself the question: Did I reach out to the company, or did they reach out to me? If the company reached out to you, then there is no harm in finding their official website, and calling them, or emailing them at the information listed there.

  8. We can protect ourselves by downloading anti-virus programs and making sure links and websites are reliable before clicking on anything. We can also make sure that passwords for anything important are secure and unique. You can also make sure that apps and websites aren't allowed to share any information with outside sources. One way our government can help is to act quickly on any reported hackers and shut them down quickly.
