Wednesday, April 29, 2020

President Trump's comment on injecting disinfectants quickly debunked

Thursday, April 23rd, there was a briefing in the White House which included President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus taskforce. During the briefing, President Trump made a remark regarding the disinfectants which have been selling out fairly quickly throughout stores. He mentions that since they have been so effective in fighting the spread of COVID-19, if "there's a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a would be interesting to check that." The media was quick to react to this statement and go on social media and news outlets to debunk this suggestion and call him out on his stupidity. The manufacturer of Lysol even went ahead and issued a statement warning that "Under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body." Hillary Clinton and Hakeem Jeffries tweeted how idiotic and irresponsible it was for a man who was speaking from the presidential pulpit to suggets something so dangerous. The White House responded to the backlash by saying that "the media was mischaracterizing Trump's comments regarding coronavirus treatment" and Trump said that he was only being sarcastic.

1) How do you think the media handled debunking Trump's statement?
2) Many say that Trump was speaking sarcastically, while others thought the opposite, what do you think?
3) Should The White House have handled the situation better?

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

European Privacy Law Enforcement is Lacking

In 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation was passed in Europe, and heralded as a new era of progress in internet safety. However, the law has suffered from a critical lack of budget and personnel. In the two years since this law was passed, the only giant tech company which has been penalized is Google. While some supporters say that it is too early to draw conclusions about the law, and that there will be new rulings soon, others claim that the cases take far too long, and that due to the limited budget and personnel, governments are discouraged from fighting more complex cases. This failure to limit big companies could also have a large effect on worldwide privacy laws. In any case the future of this law remains to be seen.
(image and article source):

Monday, April 27, 2020

Keeping Kenyan Schoolkids Fed

Wawira Njiru is the founder of Food for Education.Smiles all round after lunch.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools across the world are closed, leading to children without access to meals. However, a non-profit named Food for Education was founded by Wawira Njiru, a nutritionist who grew up near the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. Their mission is to supply inexpensive and fulfilling lunches to poor primary school children and has provided over a million meals. Amazingly, Njiru's program only costs $2 per week to feed one person and has developed into a 24-hour kitchen that delivers food to 13 schools. The lunches consist of rice, beans, maize, and other vegetables that contain nutrients that are important in a child's development. After the coronavirus is under control, Njiru has plans to expand the program and open a second kitchen, which would increase the non-profit's reach to 30,000 children.

1. What are ways people in the USA can help support efforts around the world to mitigate damage/chaos resulted from Corona?

2. By 2025, Njiru wishes to reach a million kids a day. Is this goal realistic, and what can the program do to make that goal?

3. How are the meal programs in San Mateo similar/different than Food for Education?

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Kim Jong Un: Dead or Alive?

Numerous unconfirmed reports regarding Kim Jong Un are leaving millions wondering: is he alive? After he reportedly “clutched his chest and fell to the ground” while in the countryside, he was rushed to the hospital for a routine procedure in which Hong Kong broadcast networks claimed he died. Community Party sources in Beijing say that the surgeon’s “hands were shaking so badly” and he botched the surgery. So far, no official verification has come from the North Korean state media but many are questioning whether or not Kim Jong Un is alive, brain dead, or in “grave danger”. However, North Korea continues to send gifts to foreign leaders in his name despite the fact that the leader hasn’t made a public appearance in two weeks, with his last appearance on April 11. However, South Korea has stated he is "alive and well". Speculations about his health began when he missed state celebrations for his grandfather’s (the founder of North Korea) birthday. Regardless of whether he is alive, dead, or dying, millions are wondering about what this would mean for the fate of North Korea.

Why would North Korea neglect to confirm the state of Kim Jong Un?

What would the death of Kim Jong Un mean for North Korea?

How could this affect international relations?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

RSF Criticizes CPC for Censoring Early CoronaVirus Outbreak Coverage

2020 Annual Press Freedom Index Map: China ranks 177 out of 180

According to the 2020 annual press freedom index, China stands out internationally as a severely substandard country in terms of freedom of the media: China ranks 177th out of 180 countries.

In the past, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), a worldwide organization that promotes the universal right to freedom of information, has frequently criticized the Communist Party of China (CPC) for censorship and surveillance of press. With the exacerbating CoronaVirus crisis, RSF's disapprobation only sharpens; the group believes that the CPC's iron grip on the press threatens not only Chinese citizens, but the people across the world.

The RSF's UK bureau director Rebecca Vincent points to the CPC's censorship of early CoronaVirus outbreak coverage as the reason that the virus escalated into a pandemic. Notably, at the end of 2019, Dr. Li Wenliang and other doctors in Wuhan attempted to warn about CoronaVirus, but Chinese authorities silenced them. 

The CPC's lack of transparency about the true origin and extent of CoronaVirus prevented other countries from imposing travel restrictions, coordinating testing, installing tracing measures, and initiating research for treatment earlier. An earlier response would have spared countries globally from as immense of a death toll, economic staggering, interrupted student education, etc. Misinformation from China impairs governments' and scientists' understanding of CoronaVirus and, therefore, the ability of countries to combat the global issue.

Referred from

Questions for Discussion:

1) Should the Community Party of China be forced to take responsbility for allowing CoronaVirus to spread extensively and/or have to pay reparations to other countries, even if this may mean war?

2) Despite CoronaVirus, do you think China will be able to sustain its integral role in the global economy? Why or why not?

Monday, April 20, 2020

US Oil Prices Drop to Negative as Demand Shrinks
Coronavirus News: Equinor Infection on Offshore Oil Rig in Norway ...
     Because storage capacity could be full in May, oil producers are paying buyers as much as $37.41 to take barrels of oil off their hands; they've been as desperate as to rent tankers to store oil. This is due to a drop in demand from the global oil market, worldwide shelter in place/lockdown means little oil is burned in cars, planes, trucks, trains, and ships. Additionally, storing oil has become more expensive than selling it, as the world is running out of storage locations. If oil prices continue to be this low, nearly 500 companies will have to file for bankruptcy in the coming months. Oil prices have never been negative before, but have been dangerously low in the past. In 2008, the recession diminished energy demand, decreasing oil prices, and this was a short term situation. Leading exporters have agreed to slash production in order to cope with the situation, but even though the market is in shambles right now, a resurgence in demand once businesses are opened and life returns to normal will bring the industry back to where it was before the virus. 

1. How has coronavirus affected oil prices?
2. How will this dip in oil prices motivate governments to move quicker toward renewable energy?
3. How will turmoil in the oil industry affect governments' decision to give bailouts to failing companies? 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Many experimental drugs are coming out that are allowing Covid-19 patients to recover quickly

Although we are in the supposed two-week peak of coronavirus outbreaks, there are treatments different companies are working on that have shown promise for potential coronavirus cures. Gilead has come out with an experimental drug called remdesivir, and is currently in the process of their clinical trial where they are testing the drug in 2,400 patients with severe Covid-19 symptoms and in 1,600 patients with moderate symptoms. With taking the drug, most patients have been discharged from the hospital within 6 days. Israel has also created an experimental drug called Pluristem. They have only tested it on 6 Covid-19 patients, but they were all in critical condition and were all able to recover. There are many other companies around the world today still experimenting with different possible cures for the virus, providing a sense of hope to this crisis.

1.With today's technology do you think a cure will be created?

2.Should we be putting in more money, time, and effort in finding a cure? To what extent?

3.If the virus mutates, do you think with the knowledge we have now on Covid-19 that a cure would be developed more rapidly?


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

One of Brazil's Most Wanted Criminals Caught in Mozambique

Image shows a street scene in Maputo, Mozambique
Currently, the news is dominated by news of Covid-19 and US politics. The BBC has stepped away from these two looming topics and brings an interesting article detailing the capture of a Brazilian fugitive caught in Mozambique. Gilberto Aparecido dos Santos or Fumino has been caught in Mozambique after being on the run for more than 20 years. He was finally caught after a sting operation led by Interpol, US drug officials, and Brazilian federal police in a country almost 6000 miles away. Fumino is accused of being the largest supplier of cocaine for a Brazilian gang, shipping cocaine around the world, being a leader of the PCC drug gang, and financing a breakout attempt for another leader of the PCC. The PCC is considered to be Brazil’s largest and most powerful drug gang. This could be a big blow to the PCC’s leadership because they now have two of their leaders behind bars. However, knowing Brazil’s prison system, Fumino will still be able to run the PCC behind bars. The PCC have been at war with the Red Command for four years. Fumino’s capture may lead the Red Command to see an opportunity and attack the PCC leading to more violence. However, Covid-19 may have an influence on how things plays out. Even though the US and Brazil may disagree on certain political subjects they will almost always work together to bring criminals to justice.

  1. Do you think Fumino will be extradited to Brazil to stand trial or be tried in Mozambique?
  2. Why do you think the US was involved in the capture of Fumino and the Mozambique police were not?
  3. How do you think Covid-19 will affect Brazil and especially its overcrowded prisons?

John Krasinski Sheds Positive Light on the Negativity Surrounding the Coronavirus

    With the spread of Covid-19 taking more and more lives as it sweeps through the country, many have begun to lose hope in seeing a brighter outlook for the world we are living in now. The media outlets are filled with news about the death tolls or the new hotspots of the novel Coronavirus, leaving behind darkness in its wake. However, actor John Krasinski, star of the popular Netflix show The Office, has begun to fight against the negativity and pessimism which the Coronavirus spreads. He started a news outlet on Youtube which only reported the good news which happened around the world. His videos detail the heroic acts first responders have done and how people commemorated them. Many listeners of SGN submit their own stories, many of which include celebration of the life itself, the power of the human spirit and victory over the pandemic. He details how normal individuals make masks for people fighting on the front lines, how more and more people are getting discharged from hospitals and how there is light at the end of this tunnel. Even if the fight against Coronavirus is still raging on, Krasinski proves that there is hope by spreading the good which people have done. In a world with negativity brought about by huge media sources such as CNN or ABC, Krasinski's small youtube channel has reached millions in giving them hope to continue the fight.

1. Should media outlets report the good news along with the negativity?

2. Have you seen negative stories on the news regarding the spread of Covid-19?

3. What have you done to maintain hope and what other sources provide more inspirational news?


Bernie Sanders drops out of Presidental Campaign

On Wednesday, April 8, 2020, Bernie Sanders announced that he would be ending his presidential campaign. This would clear the way for Joseph Biden to be the Democratic nominee for the presidential election against Donald Trump. Along with many other democratic candidates, Sanders has decided to endorse Biden's campaign. He said, "I cannot in good conscience continue to mount a campaign that cannot win and which would interfere with the important work required of all of us in this difficult hour. " Many voters believed that Biden would have a better chance against President trump than Sanders, because Sanders was very socialist supporting free medicare for all as well as tuition free colleges. As the democratic nominee, one of the things on Biden's agenda will be to help prevent climate change.

1. Do you think that Bernie Sanders should have continued his presidential campaign?
2. Do you think that Bernie Sanders will try to run for President again in the future? Why or why not?
3. Do you think that Biden will pursue some of Sander's ideas such as medicare for all?


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Questions rise about Zoom's security in light of rapidly increasing usage

With Covid-19 being so widespread at the moment, many have to find alternate ways to work or attend school while staying safe at home. Most turn to Zoom, a video conferencing app currently in heavy use amidst the pandemic. With an increase in popularity, so do security concerns. The app doesn't provide end to end encryption for it's video calls which allows Zoom full access to any user's video or audio. Zoom's security becomes especially worrisome considering major political figures, such as Boris Johnson in the picture above, use Zoom to run entire countries. The company has a history of sending analytics data to Facebook and occasionally exposing user's private information to strangers. Recently, several security concerns have surfaced, including a vulnerability allowing hackers to steal Windows passwords and another allowing hackers to access Mac user's computers and webcam.

1. The company has pushed back at any security claims, saying that privacy and security were their top priorities. Do you believe that Zoom can be trusted to keep information secure?

2. Should politicians such as Boris Johnson be using the app considering the possible danger it poses to security?

3. How should the general public treat Zoom's security concerns?


Pollution Levels in India Drop Dramatically After Coronavirus Lockdown

A week ago, India imposed a nationwide lockdown. All factories, markets, shops, and places of worship have been closed, and most public transport has been suspended. India’s 1.3 billion citizens have been asked to stay home and practice social distancing. Not only has the shutdown affected the spread of the virus, but it has also made a dramatic impact on pollution in India. In the capital of New Delhi, government data shows that the average concentration of PM 2.5, a harmful microscopic particulate matter, dropped by 71% in a week after the shutdown. Nitrogen dioxide levels also dropped from 52 per cubic meter to 15 - a 71% decline as well. "I have not seen such blue skies in Delhi for the past 10 years," said Jyoti Pande Lavakare, the co-founder of Indian environmental organization Care for Air, “It is a silver lining in terms of this awful crisis that we can step outside and breathe."
There have been similar impacts on Europe and China from the lockdowns, as industries and transportation has come to a halt. 
  1. With nations around the world having a similar problem with both the coronavirus and pollution, is a shutdown a viable solution to the pollution problem?
  2. Even after the outbreak is contained, do you think that these nations will continue to reduce their emissions?
  3. What policies/solutions can be enforced to continue to reduce the amount of pollution?